Thursday 9 August 2012

Summer Holiday - Murol / Auvergne

The Castle and Church at Murol
We were glad to be leaving the Cote D'azur, it had been red hot and none of us had much 'get up and go' with the heat. Ironically the day we left it rained and the weather was cloudy and wet, so it was just as well that we were hitting the Peage. We retraced our way along the south coast and headed in land, we were heading for a village called Murol in Auverge, Camping L'Europe.

The kids had spent all day in the van and wanted to go for a swim in the pool, it was pretty funny watching both Jack and Finlay get into trouble for running or going down the slide backwards. They couldn't understand what the lady was saying to them and just looked surprised to be in trouble!

Over night it came very cold, this was a relief after the heat of the Med. I checked to see how high above sea level we were and was surprised when I found out were were over 2800 feet up!

Next day we walked down into the Murol and found the streets filled with a second and market, we pottered about looking at all the stalls and took some cool photos of the imposing castle above the village. The kids would't go for a look around the castle and both were adamant that they were NOT going into the castle!!!

Andrea went for a run after tea, she's got a club run when we get back to Britain, so needed to at least go for the odd run!!

We headed back to the camp site and chilled out for the rest of the day. In the evening there were several hot air balloons overhead, the views were pretty good from the ground so it must have been spectacular from the air.

Out on a bike ride!
We decided to go for a bike ride in the morning and set off with a rucksack full of drinks. The cycle tracks around the village were perfect for the kids, most of the trails were away from the roads and the lanes were very quite. We did several miles, Finlay moaned about a couple of the hills, but the kids did okay considering how hot it was.

We spent more time in the village, this time the market was even bigger. Please must come from miles around, both stall holders and shoppers, the car parks were full and cars parked on all the grass verges leading into the village.

We all spent more time in the pool, sorry that we'd be moving on again in the morning.

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