Sunday, 17 March 2013

Harden Goitstock Waterfall Walk

Goitstock Waterfall - Harden
Trying to get out and as bout at the weekends, with all the poor weather its been tough to get motivated. We took the kids to Harden and a round trip to Goitstock waterfall, we did this a couple of years ago when Finlay was little, he moaned about the 'long walk' so it was good to do it again now that it isn't so difficult for him.

We set off from harden and headed up the public footpath past Ivy house farm and in front of Goitstock Cottage, just past here we arrived at the Goitstock Mill chimney, the mill is long gone and the chimney looks quite out of place in the 21st century rural landscape. We headed down into rt he valley bottom and found our way to the stream above Go it stock waterfall.

We had some fun crossing the stream, but we all managed it without getting wet! Walked back to the foot of the waterfall and spent a few minutes enjoying the sight and sound of the water. We started heading up stream again and found our way onto a path in front of a row of cottages. We walked back along the edge of the fields above Crag Woods and did a geocache as we headed towards the garden centre on Harden Lane. From here we walked back down the old lane and to our car.

It was good to be out and about walking again, we enjoyed the change!

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