Saturday 6 October 2012

Paintballing - Brighouse

The first part of one of my friends Stag do involved heading to Skirmish Paintball in Brighouse for a morning of running around like teenagers with guns!! Only problem, we're all way too old for the running about bit!

20 years ago I went paint balling, it was expensive and quite a slow game. The paint and gas was too dear to  waste. If you got shot once you were out so you didn't take chances. How things have changed!!!

The safety brief was good humoured with one very important message, do NOT take your mask off once outside the safe area. It was made very clear how dangerous it could be if you did remove your mask and got hit by a paint ball in the face.

So onto the first game, I ran around like I was 18, we won the game but I realised that there was no way I could keep going at this pace. We'd been told that it was okay to keep playing if you got hit, come out of the game if you'd had enough. So to get someone out of the game you pretty much had to hit them a lot. This was okay if you were fit enough to run at the other team and get close, taking a few hits but inflicting far more damage to the opposition!

For the rest of the morning our team lost pretty much every game, we tried to work as a team but it just didn't work out for us. It was a lot of fun and sometime getting hit really hurt. My hands took a battering and occasionally I got a real stinger. Some of the guys ended up with real nasty blisters and bruisers. I managed to get away with it!

At the end of the session poor old Wayne and his best man Aidy had to do a stag run, they didn't have guns and it was a free for all. Remarkably they didn't get too hurt. Everyone then just used what ever paint they had left.

It was an interesting morning, makes me think how terrible it would be in a real battle. Guys who go to war are real heroes!

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