Andrea - Snake Lane 10 Mile Run
On Your Marks! |
Andrea had been fretting about doing her first 10 mile run, up until now she's only done 6 miles (10k) runs. After looking at the times that the runners were doing last year Andrea was a bit worried. 1 hour 30 minutes was the target time that she hoped to do.
We set of to Pocklington early to make sure we had plenty of time, Andrea is getting better at developing a routine before doing this type of thing, and she was as prepared as possible for the 11am start.
Go! |
Jack wasn't with us, he was at Cubs on a 'Movie Sleepover'. So after the start me and Finlay headed to a park where he could occupy himself of an hour. We headed down to the finishing line and waited, sure enough Andrea and one of her running friends appeared just before 1hour 30 minute mark. By the timing system Andrea did 1 hour 29 minutes but her time form Start to finish took about anther minute off this. She was well pleased but tired.
Another race under her belt!
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