Shibden Walk
Andrea has gone to Olympia to see the Horse show. Leaving Jack, Finlay and me to fend for our selves! I knew if I didn't do anything with the kids there would be trouble on Andreas' return. The weather was cold and dry today so I dragged the kids for a walk down Shibden.
Walking down Shibden Head Lane heading down into Hangingroyd we were soon off tarmac and on paths that I've walked on all my life. The kids are already well familiar with the valley and we played a game where I give them 'Mini Missions', they score points on completion. Climbing Trees - 10 Points. Getting across the Beck without getting wet - 20 Points. It kept them entertained!
Shibden |
Heading down we were soon at the 'Cross Becks'. When I was Jack and Finlays age a huge old ash tree grew on the bank above the stream, it blew down probably 20 years ago and still lays their, slowly rotting, it's grand past now only memories. There is a Geocache here and the kids soon found it, confirming that it's still where it should be. The dog ran around, smelling rabbits and foxes, it was in the undergrowth on it's own private adventure. I stood and considered everything in front of me, it's a special place for me, I have a strong connection with the 'Cross Becks'. This was my childhood playground.....
Jack and Finlay |
We moved on heading towards the 'Big Wall', normally I'd stay in the bottom of the valley and walk towards the bridge, but today we headed out of the bottom and along the top edge of the steep valley. Lots for the kids to do up here, several trees preset themselves as playgrounds, within seconds both kids were climbing, testing their bottle for height, their dexterity the only other limit!
The sun was now low in the sky and the light was streaming through the trees, ideal opportunity to take a few pictures. It was getting colder now so we headed out of the valley and onto Green Lane, walked back up the lane and trudged home.
It's great taking the kids to the places I spent so much of my childhood. They just get on with it and do all the things I used to do. All good.
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